What do you do?

Sanctuaire is a prebuild store in Second Life.  Our focus is on small homes and retail stores.  Yes, will occasionally build a larger house but mainly I will be building smaller homes and cottages as well as stores.

Sanctuaire is also starting to create various homegoods and sundries.

Everything in Sanctuaire is unique and one of a kind.  Every texture has either been created just by me or heavily modified.  I focus very heavily on details.  In my opinion there is no reason for a build to not have a door knob or a ceiling fixture to not have a switch on the wall.  Soon there will also be hinges on the doors and plugs on the walls - all while keeping the prims used down and low.

I try to use the newest techniques in building items for Second Life while keeping with the way things have always been.  I mix primwork, sculpt and mesh in my builds.  (More mesh the more I learn 3Ds Max.)

So join me in finding sanctuary in Sanctuaire.


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