
Introducing.... Sanctuaire Homegoods and Sundries

The first thing I learned how to do once entering Second Life was create furniture.  Well, actually the second thing.  The first was learning how to adjust my clothes to fit my small self.  But rapidly after I taught myself how to create a sofa.

Well, I got fed up with doing it.  That and seeing all the amazing things that my now good friend Yelena from Noctis was doing.  I would look at her items in awe and go - no, no I can't do this.  So, I gave it up.

After a bit of introspection recently and a bit of hint hint hint Scout - I decided to start making furniture and fixtures for my builds and in the end to be sold separately in the store.

So I present to you....
I am going to create things that make me smile.  Things that you don't often see in Second Life.  Cause if I don't go that route - I will wind up hating myself.

I look forward to sharing with the first pieces with you soon!

- Take Care


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